China Scholarship Council and University of Exeter PhD Scholarships 中国国家留学基金委和英国埃克塞特大学合作奖学金(博士生项目)

The University of Exeter is proud to offer up to 50 full-time PhD scholarships in collaboration with the China Scholarship Council (CSC), for September 2024/25 entry.

The University of Exeter combines world-class research with high levels of student satisfaction at its campuses in Exeter and Cornwall, South West England. Formed in 1955, the University has over 25,000 students from more than 130 different countries.   The University of Exeter is the UK’s fastest growing research university. We are leaders in cutting-edge science, engineering, mathematics, and medicine research, and have a world-class reputation in the humanities and social sciences.

Why choose the University of Exeter? We're not just growing; we're thriving! As the UK's fastest-growing research university, we're at the forefront of groundbreaking science, engineering, mathematics, and medicine research. But that's not all – we boast a world-class reputation in the humanities and social sciences, too. 🌟

Interested in Joining Our Lab? 🧪

Our lab has an exciting opportunity, and we're looking for passionate individuals to join us.

The project: 

“Ultra-high-throughput microfluidic screening of bacteriophages for discovery of novel biofilm treatments”

What skills you will gain?

  1. Microfluidics Expertise: You will gain hands-on experience in designing, building, and operating microfluidic devices, enhancing your ability to manipulate and analyze small-scale fluids efficiently.

  2. Biological Research: This project will deepen your knowledge of bacteriophages and biofilms, offering insights into their behavior and interactions, which can be applied to various biological research endeavors.

  3. Lab Techniques: You'll develop proficiency in various laboratory techniques, including culturing bacteriophages, biofilm assays, and data analysis, which are essential in many research and industry settings.

  4. Data Analysis and Interpretation: The project will require you to analyze large datasets generated from high-throughput screening, honing your data analysis and interpretation skills, crucial for scientific research.

  5. Innovation and Problem-Solving: You'll have the opportunity to explore novel solutions to biofilm treatment, fostering your innovation and problem-solving skills, which are valuable in research and industry roles.

  6. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Working on this project will likely involve collaboration with researchers from diverse backgrounds, improving your ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.

Contact us first!

If you're intrigued by the world of research and would like to explore the possibilities, we encourage you to get in touch with us first at Let's have a chat, discuss your interests, and explore how you can be a part of our journey!

More info and how to apply?

Click on the link and follow the “Apply” section:

->Application deadline midday Friday 5 January 2024.<-

Application deadline midday Friday 5 January 2024.

  • Interview dates are likely to be held between November 2023 and 12 January 2024 depending on when applications are received. Note; the sooner applications are received, the sooner they will be considered by prospective supervisor.

  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by no later than 11 March 2024.



Calling Aspiring Researchers: Explore the Intersection of Microfluidics and AI in Your Ph.D. Journey!


LSI PhD project for October 2024 intake